House League Vice President:

David Milazzo



House League provides young athletes with a recreational program that focuses on learning the game of soccer and developing skills through training and game play.

Divisions are based on our Age Matrix

Registration Fees are: U4-U6: $130.00 & U8-U17: $155.00  (includes Jersey & Ball)

Uniform is Jersey, black shorts, and shinguards covered by socks (Shorts ($12) & Socks ($6) available for purchase during Registration)

Day of play is determined by division.

All practices will be held at the West Seneca Soccer Complex.

All games will be held at the West Seneca Soccer Complex. 

Season begins the first week of May or as soon as the fields are playable.

Season ends the last week of July or the first week of August depending weather events and other delays.

WSSC coaching benefit is limited to Head Coaches. The benefit is for any volunteer who is selected to be the Head Coach for their child’s team. Once this individual successfully fulfills the obligation they will receive a full refund for the registration fee (at the end of the season).

For additional concerns not addressed above you may message us on Facebook or email us at: